Saturday, March 21, 2009

Significance of Bananas

Bananas in general act as delicious and healthy supplements to our diet. Bananas are easily available and are comparatively cheaper than other fruits but provide plenty of health benefits. Bananas are rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and numerous minerals and vitamins. Eating a banana everyday will keep you away from digestive disorders. Bananas also help to reduce the intensity of several other diseases like constipation and piles in the long run if consumed daily. When people get older their eyesight gradually becomes poorer owing to the natural aging process. Red bananas can rescue those suffering from poor quality vision in just 21 days. Red bananas are tastier than yellow bananas and their medicinal values are in surplus. Red bananas also tend to help in increasing the sperm count in males. A special type of banana (Rasthali - Musa spp. AAB group) is mixed with water and made into a syrup which is used as a medicine for children suffering from diarrhea. Bananas are a facile way to lead a healthy life.


ENS said...

thanks for the info..
im curious of how red banana looks like... i don't think ive seen one... or maybe just not aware of its name...
i love bananas too...

Morika 金玲 said...

Thanks for your info. Is it realy red banana?

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