Friday, December 25, 2009

Magnificent Mustard

Mustard Arthritis CancerMustard seeds are an essential ingredient in cuisines across the world and adding the spice to our recipes has significant health profits apart from the flavor it imparts to the dishes. Mustard seeds included in our diet help in accelerating metabolism and improving digestion. Mustard seeds have anti-inflammatory properties which can be leveraged in treating arthritis. Bathing the affected joints in mustard soaked water or mustard mixed with epsom salt in water can relax the stiff joints and soothe the sore muscles. Mustard is also good for the skin and you can also go for a mild mustard facial mask after testing if mustard is irritating on your skin. Mustard seeds also help in expelling the harmful toxins from our body. Selenium and isothiocyantes are important anti-cancer agents found in mustard seeds. Mustard oil has the ability to lower blood pressure and curtail hair loss. The next time you make your favorite dishes don't forget to sprinkle a few roasted mustards on top of them.


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